
Autumn Qigong Classes

In this series I will be teaching the 18 Shibashi set 2. It is a development from the set 1 that we looked at in the last series. They are easy to learn and will still be suitable if you have not done Qigong before. I aim to make the classes engaging and informative as well as enjoyable. You can do the classes individually but you will get a fuller and deeper sense of the practice if you attend the whole series.  We are blessed with a lovely spacious hall so there is plenty of air and possibility for distancing in these strange times.


Times: Tuesdays 5-6 pm
Dates; September 6th, 13th, 20th 27th, Oct 4rd, 11th (at later time of 5.30), 18th, 25th
Venue: Trinity rooms, Field road, Stroud, GL5 2HZ
Cost: £30 for all 6 classes or £7 per class. Flexible.

Please wear loose clothing and arrive a few minutes early so we can start on time.<--break->