Cranial Osteopathy for Babies.
Movement is primary to all life. From the moment of conception, throughout the exuberant growth of the body in foetal life, through the rigors of the passage of birth, to the miracle of growth, developing and learning that happens so rapidly after birth, movement is a continual thread. Movement of tissues and fluids and organs, and of the body in sucking and stretching and reaching for what is new all support health and development. In Osteopathy we believe that movement is fundamental to health, and treatment is always aimed to support it.
Unfortunately with life being what it is, sometimes things are not optimal. Maybe the baby is lying awkwardly in the womb or doesn’t quite get its head in the correct position for birth, maybe the birth is long or some kind of intervention is called for. The story of each birth and each life is unique. The result of these less than optimal conditions can be that the natural tissue movement and breath may be restricted in some way. Because the head takes such a lot of the stress during the birth process often the movement of the bones and membranes of the skull can be particularly affected, and this can affect the blood vessels and nerves too.
In Cranial osteopathy we have made a deep study of these movements of the head and body and we work very gently to restore movement when it has become compromised in some way.
Usually after birth babies are calm and will feed and sleep well. However sometimes the baby might be somewhat irritable, fretful, or restless, it may have retained moulding patterns from the birth particularly if it has been long or has needed forceps, ventuse or caesarian section. Maybe the cord has been cut faster than is optimal. You may see particular patterns – for example the baby might prefer feeding on one breast because it is easier for it to turn its head that way, whilst turning the head the other way may be restricted or cause it discomfort. The baby may not be able to open its mouth fully to feed if there has been pressure on the face or jaw. These types of cases respond well to cranial osteopathy.
In a session the osteopath will ask you about your baby and about your pregnancy and birth. They will examine your baby, usually with the baby on the couch, but if they are in any way insecure or distressed the baby can be held. Every effort will be made to keep the baby relaxed and comfortable. You will be present at all times of the treatment. The osteopath will discuss the findings with you and give you some idea of the probable number of sessions needed, although this will depend on how your baby responds.
The treatment is very gentle and involves a holding of different parts of the babies head and body to gently release the strains and stresses.
While usually the baby will be relaxed and sleep well after the treatment, sometimes they may be a little irritable for up to 24 hours.
Do ask your Osteopath if you have any further questions.
Clare Ballard December 2012