
Form and Flow
In this class I am planning to work with the second set of the 18 Shibashi forms. I will use it as a framework to explore some of the fundimentals of qigong practice; embodiment, breath, rooting, working with the energy centres, cultivation of qi and more. This set is good for cultivationg the qi particularly in the legs and lower body. There are some forms that are a little more challanging which makes it interesting. We will take it in very bite-sized chunks.
You are welcome to come as a drop in and with regular practice ones' embodiment and understanding develops.
Suitable for beginners and people with some more experience of qigong practice.
Venue: Trinity Rooms, Field Road, Stroud GL5 2HZ
Times: Tuesdays 5-6pm
Dates: January 28th, February 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, March 4th, 11th, (no class 18th) 25th April 1st, 8th.
Cost: £8-10 per session or £72 for the whole term. Flexible.
Please wear loose comfortable clothing and shoes. Its helpful to arrive a few minutes early.
To book or enquire please text me on 07764 578552 or email clare@clareballard.co.uk